Monthly subscription boxes coming soon!

About me

It all began with a simple idea fueled by a deep passion. As a small business, I pride myself on personal attention and dedication to every detail. My approach is rooted in quality and integrity, ensuring that everything I do reflects my commitment to excellence. If you love your products then check out the contact page and put a rating! comments and ratings help a whole lot!

Frequently asked questions

What if I want to make a bracelet just for me?

You can definetly send me a message about a custom design (on the contact me page) that fits your needs and I will be happy to assist you with the design.

Will you be adding other things other than jewerly to your website?

Yes! As I am growing and learning new things I will be adding new products to my website within time. 

What if my bracelet breaks..will I be able to get a refund or a new bracelet?

You will be able to contact me and I will have you send the bracelet back to my free of charge and I will send you a new one! If you do not want to have a new bracelet sent back to you then we can discuss a refund that will fit your needs!

Is your website going to have a subscription tab?

As I may still be in the process of adding more information to my website I will be looking into a subscriction tab for my customers.

As a frequent buyer will there ever be a time that discounts will be applied?

Of course! Im looking into getting all my subscribers discounts after they have purchased with me a few times. There will be a tab where you can make an account and add a email so you can get email updates on all things coming or leaving and any discounts that I will be having in the future!

Your safe space!

This blog portion may not be about anything business related but rather something to get off your chest. I wanted a place where my customers could come to as a safe place to comment anything they want. You can be completely anonymous by putting anonymous on NAME AND EMAIL. This is a judgement free zone so anything you comment will be a venting session for you! People will be able to leave commented advice for you to come back to. Comments will always be filtered so please don't comment anything hateful or disgraceful. I hope this section will be of some use for someone that really needs it! 

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Tell me what you think!

I created this blog post as a safe space where you can comment on how you do or don't like the products. Anything you think I should change or anything you want people to know about the product and how it was to purchase from me! From the website to the shipping and packing! I appreciate any feedback I get from everyone and I hope this blog post will be useful to everyone!

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Killeen, Texas 76549



